In the over six decades of independence, India has committed itself to the task of developing its science and technology. The role of science and technology is considered to be an important factor regarding the development of any country and India is no different.
The progress of science and technology has had an unprecedented impact on the socio-economic progress of India. Today, knowledge is a virtue and it has ushered in several scientific and technological developments that have deep legal, social and ethical implications.
The science and technology of India needs to be induced with some fresh vitality so that this sector can play a more decisive role in the overall growth of the country. India continues to display firmness in its resolve for supporting science and technology and all its facets. The government, regardless of whichever party in power, has always laid emphasis on this sector to make India a global competitive power. The thrust is always on the utilization of the natural resources of the country in a sustainable manner, protection of the environment along with ensuring national security.
India is the home to the third largest scientific and technological manpower of the world with over 160 universities awarding over 4,000 doctorate degrees and 35,000 post-graduate degrees. Besides, the state-owned Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has over 40 research laboratories that have made significant contributions in the progress of science in India.
In the field of missile technology, India is among the top five countries of the world. Technology has been imbibed into the mainstream of economic planning and development in India and it istoday is considered as an effective instrument to drive growth. It has helped other sectors of the economy like agriculture, industry and the service industry. The resources of the country are being used for deriving the highest possible output for the benefit of the society. About 85 per cent of the funds meant for science and technology are given by the government, though the private sector are contributing towards the development of this sector, it’s still minimum compared to what the government is contributing.
India has also carefully developed a nuclear energy program, entirely meant for peaceful purposes like power generation, agricultural applications, manufacturing industry, medicine, research etc. India has been recognized as one of those countries that possess advanced nuclear options, including the production of the raw materials. India is self reliant and has also mustered the expertise to cover the total nuclear cycle right from exploration and mining to generation of power and energy and waste management. The ingredients of research are indigenously manufactured inside the country.
The science and technology sector of India has contributed immensely to the development of the country.
India has made giant strides in science and technology. The country is a technology powerhouse nowadays.